I have been diagnosed with PTSD. It sucks and it eats at every part of your life. Other than my VA shrink, who has been great but sadistic, I haven't said much to anyone since I came home from Iraq. My shrink keeps telling me that this is part of my problem, that I don't express myself and don't let others help me. With that in mind, I thought I would start a blog.
A blog allows me to (hopefully) remain anonymous while writing about the crazy shit in my head, the things that haunt me, and the results of these issues. I don't know if anyone will EVER read this other than me, but I think it will at least help me.
All that said:
1) I have no intention of making my blog G-rated....if it's in my head, it's going on here.
2) If you think you know me, keep it to yourself, don't be an ass and try to embaress me!
3) Maybe, just maybe, by writing more here I can feel slightly better, sleep without nightmares, and who knows, maybe someone else will find some solace.