Saturday, June 25, 2011

Who do I want to be????????

I keep struggling with who I am. I ask myself this every day, every minute, every second...or at least it feels that way. At first I used to be convinced that I was going to end up being schizophrenic or some other mentally ill person. Then I was told that I had a lot (some?) of the signs of border-line personality disorder and I was REALLY convinced.
What made things the worst though was when I started "feeling" like I wasn't me. There were times when I had to really think hard to recall if what I was "remember" was in fact something I did. It's not the childhood memories or the ones from Iraq.'s memories like "did I have THIS conversation with THAT person last week?" I know part of it is fatigue...hell I am falling asleep writing this right now.
But I also know now that this is a normal symptom of ptsd. A "Disassociation" of sorts. It's almost as if I am sometimes seeing my present self in the third person. This has been a wierd and frustrating time for me. However, it was reassuring to be able to talk this out with my Doc and to learn that it NOT necessarily a sign that I am going crazy.
One of the interesting things that the Doc said was:
"Instead of the question being "Who am I?"...the quistion should be "Who do I want to be."

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